I am back again with a photo for week #8 of the 52 weeks photography challenge. This week's assignment was to capture something "Cold". You may be thinking that should be easy just shoot a picture out the front door and it shows how cold we have had it for what seems like months now, but I wanted to find something a little different.
I did venture out into the yard as I didn't want to go far since I am really not fond of -30. I tried taking a picture of my garden under piles of snow and I tried one of the kids play-centre but neither seemed to be quite what I was looking for. I had just decided to head back inside warm up a bit and rethink the assignment when I noticed the antique tricycle peeking out from under the snow.
It looked so lonely and cold like it was just waiting for warmer days where it could be ridden down our bumpy gravel drive by Sophia, her little 2 year old legs moving as quick as they can laughing as she rides faster and faster me chasing after her.
I too am waiting for those long lazy summer days sitting on the porch smiling to one another as our kids enjoy getting back outside, chasing bugs, riding bikes and sitting as a family as the sun goes down around a fire-pitfire- silly stories and the Coyotes howling in the distance.
Here is the lonely cold little tricycle....I will post a picture later this summer of Sophia enjoying the sunny days on this well loved little bike that has been passed down through the years to be enjoyed by countless carefree little ones.